Imperatives of formation and development of employment Potential as a Basis for Personnel Security


  • Z. Zhyvko Львівський державний університет внутрішніх справ
  • N. Bula ТзОВ "Термобуд"
  • N. Fostyak ТзОВ "Термобуд"


synergistic effect, competitiveness, strategic management, human resources, specification, personnel security


The article examines the main aspects of the formation and development of labor potential of the enterprise through the prism of his personnel security and implementation of an innovative approach to its formation and development. The attention is focused on the lack of a unified approach to the interpretation of the essence of labor potential as a socio-economic category. It is noted that there are a number of gaps regarding the coverage of the main aspects of the formation of labor potential at the enterprise level; weak and imperfect is to predict the ways of its development. The authors The article examines the main aspects of the formation and development of labor potential of the enterprise through the prism of his personnel security and implementation of an innovative approach to its formation and development. The attention is focused on the lack of a unified approach to the interpretation of the essence of labor potential as a socio-economic category. It is noted that there are a number of gaps regarding the coverage of the main aspects of the formation of labor potential at the enterprise level; weak and imperfect is to predict the ways of its development. The authors point to the lack of attention for further enrichment and formation of labor potential of a higher level of quality; the absence of a reasonable methodology for assessing the labor potential. Stated that the first priority of any enterprise in market conditions is to increase the competitiveness of the business as a whole and increase the profits at the expense of more efficient use of all available resources. Accordingly, in such circumstances, it becomes a major factor in staff performance improvement company. Every employee of the modern enterprise, and not just its managers must possess strategic thinking, knowledge, ability to work in a team, high culture, the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions and change management in enterprises, the ability and the desire to more fully realize their labor potential, desire to its continued development. The authors are closely associated with the development of labor potential of the status of human security in the enterprise, the mechanisms of its software. Personnel security is a complex and multifaceted concept. The complexity of management personnel security in the enterprise due to not only the development of a theoretical framework of research, but also the complexity of the problem and a large number of components of security. So, personnel security company should be considered as a complex problem and its study is necessary to apply a systematic approach. As an object of management personnel security company has specific, unique to her features. Its maintenance and ongoing support is somewhat complicated in enterprise management. Therefore, an individual approach to the assessment of personnel security, especially given species, as well as to form the most complete information on the personnel security companies should comply with the complexity of combined solutions, and it concerns the criterion of personnel security, which can be considered as an indicator of the level of implementation of the labor potential. Determined that should focus primarily on the key factors of the labor potential: the development of education, training, self-organization of staff, including the quality and availability of secondary and vocational education, vocational guidance, training and retraining, staff development and enterprise like. After all, such a determinant confirms the quality and performance of the labor potential at both the macro and micro level.

Author Biographies

Z. Zhyvko, Львівський державний університет внутрішніх справ

д.е.н., доцент, завідувач кафедри менеджменту

N. Bula, ТзОВ "Термобуд"


N. Fostyak, ТзОВ "Термобуд"



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