Predicting the market value of the company based on regression models


  • A. Voronin Донецький національний університет


market value, the stock market, the regression model, profitability, investment attractiveness


The global expansion of markets and increased competition are pushing us to the analysis of the factors underlying their performance. From the theory of marketing is known that the competitiveness of any company depends on a combination of a large number of financial and non-financial factors. One of the most important factors in improving the efficiency and investment attractiveness at the present stage it appears the market value. Forecasting the market value of the company through the use of linear regression given accuracy, allows to predict the market value of the company in the future period using linear regression models, obtained in a possible lack of information, and give a sufficient level of accuracy.

Author Biography

A. Voronin, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіка підприємства


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