Transformation of international bank sector in the modern economic terms


  • N. Nikeshina ДонНУ


international bank sector, competition, solvency, bank assets, bank risks


It is certain in the article, that global crisis shocks of the last years evidently designated close connection of development of global bank sector with functioning of basic segments of international financial market and base tendencies in the field of motion of capitals, continuation of process of convergence of different financial operations. Expansion of connections pulled out the necessity of forming of international financial market, providing an accumulation and redistribution of financial resources in accordance with a volume and dynamics of demand and supply on them in the world market of capitals and motion of norm arrived. It is certain that the accordion structure of international financial market answers the necessities of financial markets of the developed countries, providing a capital and money resources flow is primary in national scopes to a great extent, and largely corresponds the structure of these markets. A management and toughening of the normative-legal adjusting risks remain key questions for banks. New priorities of development of bank sector are investigational, which plug in itself reduction of not effective assets in unprofitable segments and regions, and also orientation on the key spheres of bank activity. New priorities of development of bank sector are investigational, which plug in itself reduction of not effective assets in unprofitable segments and regions, and also orientation on the key spheres of bank activity. A bank sector continues to run into new difficulties among which satisfaction of more difficult necessities of clients, including general introduction of mobile and social medias; appreciation of value of operations in connection with the increase of regulation and normative pressure; growth of competition from the side of not bank institutions, such as large point-of-sale networks and telecommunication corporations.

Author Biography

N. Nikeshina, ДонНУ

аспирант кафедры Международная экономика


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