The economic security of Ukraine in the context of modern integration processes


  • V. Muntiian НАНУ


free trade area, European Union, integration, customs union, economic security


In this research article it was considered the problems of economic security of Ukraine in the context of modern integration processes, in particular the creation of a free trade zone with the European Union. Also it was discussed the advantages and disadvantages of Ukraine's integration with the EU and the Russian Federation. It was proposed the deepening of the relationship with the Russian Federation on a number of strategic activities as the main historical partner of Ukraine, development of a set of measures to prevent the gap existing strategic ties and preserve the potential for future development in the creation of a common market, a common space in innovation, energy, transport, agriculture and other vital areas of economic and human development of the country.

Author Biography

V. Muntiian, НАНУ

д.э.н., профессор, член-корреспондент


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