Modern trends of global transformations.


  • Y. Kinchevska ДонНУ


The development of modern civilization characterized by a number of fundamental trends that determine the shape of society as whole and individual areas of operation. The process of transformation and globalization continuously interact to form the current trends of global transformations. The concepts such as globalization and transformation are analyzed in the article. Globalization is a mandatory period in the development of modern civilization, when it came to the need to resolve issues without which its further humanistic development is almost impossible. Such forms of globalization as world trade, and their derivatives - the world markets are viewed in the article. The process of financial globalization and its positive impact on the development of the world economy is analyzed. The concept of globalization is disclosed by representatives of the three schools: hyperglobalizers, skeptics and transformationalists. Also a set of problems, which activate the process of globalization are shown. An analysis of the concept of global transformations and the main trends is given.

Author Biography

Y. Kinchevska, ДонНУ



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