Innovative development of economy and technology parks in the high technology manufacturing industrial complex east of Ukraine.


  • E. Pozhidaev Региональный филиала Национального института стратегических исследований


diversification of the regional economy, an effective innovation policy, modernization of the economic complex, technology parks


The article analyzes the challenges and opportunities of innovation development of economy of Ukraine. We study the problem and future issues of diversification of the economy. The legal aspects of the operation of industrial parks and other forms of innovative activity in Ukraine. In this context the necessity of updating and implementation of innovative technologies to enhance the competitiveness of eastern Ukraine. In this context, the role of technology parks is revealed as an effective tool in the production of high technology industrial complex Donbass. Given the experience of technology parks Donbass author presents recommendations regarding the formation of a new strategy of economic development of Ukraine, as well as promising areas of operation of industrial parks in the eastern region of the country.

Author Biography

E. Pozhidaev, Региональный филиала Национального института стратегических исследований

к.полит.н., науч. сотр.


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