Theoretical Grounds for the Formation of National Innovation System as a Condition of Sustainable Economic Growth of Ukraine


  • A. Nikolaenko Донецький інститут економіки промисловості НАН України


innovation, innovation policy, product innovation, competitiveness


The article discloses author’s approach to the definition and the structure of the national innovation system. We suggested the model of national innovation system which includes the following sectors: state, entrepreneurial, scientific and education, infrastructural, consumers’ sector, all of the system subjects and the system which combines them. The objects of the national innovation system were determined and they are the following: knowledge, know-how, innovations in physical and informational meaning which are created and applied in order to get profit or other effect. They may be applied in scientific elaborations, licences, patents, industrial patterns and in all that are objects of intellectual property. The functioning of the national innovation system is carried out at market as well as at the non-market environment. The most important structural element of the national innovation system is the system of economic, technological, organizational and managerial relations that take place among all the subjects in the process of innovation activity. The problems of the low level of development of innovation processes in Ukraine were analysed and the basic conditions of the formation of effective national innovation system were determined.

Author Biography

A. Nikolaenko, Донецький інститут економіки промисловості НАН України



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