Foreign trade of the CEA countries and Ukraine: sectorial aspect.


  • O. Kovalenko Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія


cooperative relations, trade relationships, export potential, intra-branch relationships, market capacity


The article is devoted to the analysis of foreign trade of Ukraine with the CEA countries in a sectorial aspect. It is defined that the closest cooperative relations remained in agricultural, manufacturing and transport areas. Similar features of manufacturing complexes of Ukraine and the CEA countries at saving branch specialization on the moment of the USSR break-up are defined. It is given the assessment of the GDP dynamic of Ukraine and the CEA countries and it id defined similar tendencies of development of this indicator which is characterized by instability and chaotic character. It is concluded that structural features of economies of the post-soviet countries make restrictions for development which bases just on raw resources. It is analyzed export and import of Ukraine with the CEA countries and it is defined the positive trade balance with Belarus and Kazakhstan and negative balance – with Russia. Analysis shows that between the CEA countries and Ukraine high intensity of intra-branch trade is saved what shows the integration development between countries on the base of cooperation on relationships and international intra-branch specialization. It is concluded the importance of trade relationships of Ukraine with the CEA countries

Author Biography

O. Kovalenko, Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія

к.е.н., доцент


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