Investment into the human capital as the leading factor of economy competitiveness growth


  • O. Doronina Донецький національний університет
  • O. Biletsky Донецький національний університет


human capital, investment, investment into the human capital, economy competitiveness, education, health


Article is devoted to consideration of actual problems of investment into the human capital. As a result of theoretical researches classification of assets of the human capital by levels of its formation is offered. The defining and long-term role of similar investment in ensuring social and economic growth in the state is proved. Dynamics of investments into the human capital in Ukraine in the context of its components is studied. The special attention is paid to investment into education as to an important factor of ensuring competitiveness in the conditions of economy of knowledge development due to which action innovation, creativity and the productive force of the human capital becomes more active. As a result of research it is established that in Ukraine expenses for education in structure of social expenses of the national budget take the second place and, since 2000, increase the accelerated rates. Thus, they significantly differ from similar indicators in foreign countries. Comparative dynamics of an index of global competitiveness of Ukraine with some countries of the world is analysed and the directions of harmonization of the considered processes are defined.

Author Biographies

O. Doronina, Донецький національний університет

д.е.н., доцент

O. Biletsky, Донецький національний університет



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Scientific notes