Geo-economic aspects of providing global innovation development.


  • Y.O. Hetmanenko «Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія»
  • L.I. Mykhailyshyn Івано-Франківський інститут менеджменту, Тернопільський Національний економічний університет


іntellectual providing, globalization of innovative development, staff qualification, international migration, international migration vectors, geo-economic providing of innovations and human resources


In the article the basic components of geo-economic aspects of providing global innovation development. According to the materials of investigation it is defined that, geopolitical confrontations of recent years often arise from inhomogeneity of economic development in different countries, and the result of such confrontations often turns out in innovations in the sphere of strategic industries development.Such prerequisites determine the necessity of geo-economic aspects research of innovation development and formulating conditions for their implementation for international strategy of the national economy.Significant capital intensity of modern companies, the main products of which are innovations indicates the prospects of new economic sectors and as a result the further obtaining of geo-economic positions in the global environment.The main aspect of geoeconomic provision of global innovation development is an international intellectual migration.Current trends of appropriate phenomenon occur by clear vectoral dynamics which is characterized by intellectual capital flows from less developed to more developed countries, and it provides constant growth of the gap in geo-economic development of the countries.It is investigated that the prospects of further intellectual providing of global innovation development in future will continue to depend on the payment of intellectual work and on the intrastate conditions to stimulate this kind of activity.

Author Biographies

Y.O. Hetmanenko, «Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія»

канд. екон. наук

L.I. Mykhailyshyn, Івано-Франківський інститут менеджменту, Тернопільський Національний економічний університет

канд.. екон. наук


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