Strategic approach to development of the social capital of the services sector


  • M. Boyko Прикарпатський національний університет ім. В.Стефаника


social capital, services sector, globalization, individual social capital, corporate social capital


Strategic approach to development of the social capital as the basis of competitive advantages of a services sector, which highlight the main of functions of management and including mission, the goals, the directions, methods, tools, and giving the possibility to reach concrete results in the form of increase of efficiency of cooperation, growth of image and competitiveness of a services sector. The directions of social capital development in the services sector are determined by the stages: 1) definition of a strategic objective in the form of a concrete component (indicator) of the social capital; 2) definitions of structures which can provide realization of a goal; 3) definition of forms of investments which go for realization of a task; 4) a practical embodiment with definition of points of control which are capable to display progress. Methods of measurement of the social capital in a services sector are offered. The main directions of filling of the social capital of a services sector by the new contents under the influence of the latest technologies and processes of globalization are investigated. The directions of change of strategic objectives of development, traditional tasks and priorities of investment policy in a services sector for the purpose of formation and development of the social capital are defined.

social capital; services sector; globalization; individual social capital; corporate social capital

Author Biography

M. Boyko, Прикарпатський національний університет ім. В.Стефаника



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