Agricultural market as the object of legal regulation.


  • Yu. Pavluchenko Донецький національний університет


market, agricultural market, legal regulation, the object of legal regulation, public relations, the sphere of legal regulation


The concept of agricultural market as an object of legal regulation are investigated in the article. On the basis of generalization of the definition of the market analysis the main views on the concept of agrarian market as a territory, the scope of turnover and a system of institutions, which contributes to meeting buyers and sellers of agricultural products. Attention is paid to the analysis of relations between the concepts of agricultural market with related concepts such as the market for agricultural products, agri-food market, the market of grain and others. Based on the theory of law about the object of legal regulation, it is concluded that the agricultural market should be viewed as a system of social relations. The main directions of legal regulation for the functioning of the agricultural market, among which are the establishment and improvement of the legal status of members of the agrarian market, pricing issues, safety and quality of agricultural products, state regulation of the agricultural market

Author Biography

Yu. Pavluchenko, Донецький національний університет

к.ю.н., доцент кафедри господарського права


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