Realization of professional competitiveness in terms of labor market crisis.


  • L. Shaulska Донецький національний університет


competitive potential, critical state, internally displaced people, employment center, job search


The article is devoted to topical issues of improving the competitiveness level of a specialist and realization of her potential in conditions of the labor market critical state. The article examines characteristics of the current labor market, discusses on the issues, concerning problems of internally displaced people from occupied territories and zones of ATO (Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk regions). The article suggests guidelines for ensuring specialists’ competitive potential realization in the context of overcoming the critical state of the labor market.

Author Biography

L. Shaulska, Донецький національний університет

д.е.н., проф., кафедра управління персоналом і економіки праці


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Карта беженцев по состоянию на 26 декабря 2014 года (инфографика) [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:




