Employment transformation in the new economy


  • O. Laushkin Donetsk national university


employment transformation, new economy, human and social capital, knowledge, self-entrepreneur


The article examines key aspects of the employment system transformation process in a context of the world economic system transition towards the new global knowledge economy. In the author’s opinion, the main restraining factor of transformational changes at the present stage is the high resistance of the employment system due to the low propensity of major actors in socio-labor relations to changing the status quo, which, in turn, is the result of the efforts of owners of industrial capital to preserve a dominant position in the current system of social and labor relations. The possibility of reactivation of the transformation the author sees in reformation of the basic socialization institutions – family and education, which, exerting a significant impact on the process of an identity formation, are able to liberate an industrial laborer’s consciousness from stereotypes and patterns, to affirm the new categorical imperative, formulated in terms of liberal humanism, and to create a self-entrepreneur, Homo-creator.

Author Biography

O. Laushkin, Donetsk national university

postgraduate student of the personnel management and labour economics department


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