Foreign trade of Ukraine: conditions and trends of development


  • T. Goryanskaya г. Донецк


foreign trade, export, import, WTO


The article analyses actual state of foreign trade of Ukraine in commodities which is being influenced by consequences of the global economic crisis. Impeding tempos of the world economic growth has conditioned decreasing the consumer demand on global markets and this has had negative effect on Ukrainian export-oriented industries. Reduction of volumes of exports has occurred in all export groups of manufactured articles. Analysis of Ukraine’s foreign trade indicated the considerable level of dependence of domestic market on the commodities with high added value and energy materials from the CIS countries which dominate in imports. Investigating factors having negative impact on the foreign trade of Ukraine has enabled the author to specify prime trends of its development.

Author Biography

T. Goryanskaya, г. Донецк

кандидат экономических наук, доцент,


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Програма розвитку інвестиційної та інноваційної діяльності в Україні, затверджена постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 2 лютого 2011 року № 389.– Режим доступу:




