Analysis of reserves of improving the quality of labor potential of agrarian enterprise


  • N. Burda Луганський національний аграрний університет


employment potential, reserves, efficiency, resources


In connection with decrease in the efficiency of labor resources in Ukraine required scientific justification and reproduction of labor potential, increase of efficiency in agricultural production. The purpose of research is to identify the reserves to improve the quality of labor potential of agricultural enterprise. The article considers the employment potential of the enterprise as a basis for its operation. The analysis of the employment potential of the enterprise. It is established that at the studied enterprise quality of labor potential doesn't exceed 20% of its necessary level, quality of separate components of labor potential (use of working hours, labor productivity, etc.) too are rather low. It is proved, що in "AhroLuhan" there is a considerable reserve of improvement of quality of labor potential (80,40%). The reserves of improvement of quality of labor capacity of NPP Agrolugan in particular connected with improvement of use of working hours and labor productivity are offered.

Author Biography

N. Burda, Луганський національний аграрний університет



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