Improving of the management of intellectual capital of an industrial enterprise


  • S. Belous-Sergeeva ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь


intellectual capital, management tools, system automation, customer support systems of client relations


The paper considers the improvement of the management of intellectual capital of an industrial enterprise. The main researchers in the area of improving the management of intellectual capital are defined. The types of intellectual capital are reserched. The main aim is to identify key aspects or components of improving the management of the intellectual capital of an industrial enterprise. It is suggested that the functional components of the intellectual capital of an industrial enterprise, which largely affect its formation, use and development. Given the author's vision of the category of "intellectual capital of an industrial enterprise" and also specified notional - categorical apparatus in the "intellectual property industrial enterprise.

Author Biography

S. Belous-Sergeeva, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

к.е.н., ст. викладач кафедри економічної теорії


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