Procedural measures of property rights preventive protection


  • O. Antonyuk Донецький національний університет


preventive protection, interim measures, security for claim, violability


The article deals with questions of preventive protection of property rights by procedural measures. Procedural measures of property rights preventive protection include interim measures, security for claim, provisional measures securing the enforcement of judgment, stay of execution pending cassation appeal. The author notes that procedural measures, which can be invoked by person, whose property rights were infringed by enforcement of provisional measures of preventive protection, include the motion for change of security for claim or for canceling it, raised before the court, which ordered security for claim; appeal against court decision on security for claim or appeal against court decision on dismissal of request for cancellation of security for claim. Such procedural means also include claim compensation for the loss, caused by security for claim. The author formulates several proposals on improvement of legislation for improvement of the effectiveness of judicial protection of property rights by procedural measures. In particular, it is proposed to provide the owner with the right to bring a motion for interim measures. The author also demonstrates the need to clarify the ground for compensation for the loss, caused by security for claim in case of closure of the proceedings. The author offers to provide the courts of appeal and cassation court with the right to decide on cancellation of security for claim in case of vacating of court decision and closure of proceedings, dismissal of an application without prejudice or rejection of claim.

Author Biography

O. Antonyuk, Донецький національний університет

к.ю.н., доцент кафедри цивільного права і процесу


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