The human capital in strategic management


  • R. Sadigov Бакинский университет бизнеса


the human capital, system, subsystem, strategic management, personnel, collective, psychology, social – psychological environment, planning


In the article, the author asserts that one of the main factors that necessary for forming of collective is the social and psychological environment, as internal psychological motives are in a human. Similar motives form internal opportunities and potential of the human. Thus, in the article the author specifies management activity, related to social philosophy, has in the basis a factor of human psychology. This concept brings to the foreground a human factor in management process. Therefore if the human factor forms the basis of this process, as a result it turns into the purpose because the administrative relations consist of the relations between the managing and managed systems. On both sides of these relations there is a human factor, so administrative activity related to social philosophy, has in the basis a factor of human psychology.

Author Biography

R. Sadigov, Бакинский университет бизнеса

доц., к.э.н., проректор


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