Modelling the impact of business intelligence on the activities of trading companies.


  • M. Kravchenko Донецкий национальный технический университет
  • H. Gromova Донецкий национальный технический университет


modeling, information and analytical activities, strategy map, balanced scorecard, customer management processes, innovation, learning factors or human capital, organizational improvement


The problems of information-analytical modeling of the trading company are considered taking into account the chosen strategy. At the first stage of models construction a strategic maps are used which then converted to the system dynamics models. The strategic map of a big trading company is constructed and on the basis of this map the model has been developed to account the influence on the quantitative level of such component of information-analytical activities as project development. It is shown that under reasonable assumptions the contribution of the intellectual component in the final results of the company may be significant and sustained for a long time.

Author Biographies

M. Kravchenko, Донецкий национальный технический университет

доцент кафедры экономической теории и государственного управления

H. Gromova, Донецкий национальный технический университет



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