System approach to the formation of an integrated risk management techniques


  • N. Polovyan Донецький національний університет


risk, risk solutions, risk - management, analysis of financial and economic performance, inequality Chebyshev, Markov lemma, coefficient Altman


This paper substantiates the necessity of a comprehensive risk management techniques. The elimination of risk is not possible without the use of special management actions that are defined specificity of risk. The risk management process in the development and implementation of risk - solutions described. Criteria for selection of risk-solutions considered that include the development of risk limits, loss of dynamics depending on the volume of sales, the size of costs, price changes, inflation, etc. Enlarged diagram risk-management offered. Chebyshev inequality considered which gives the probability value other than the value obtained by the Markov lemma. Expediency in the analysis of financial-economic condition of the company to use Z- model, which is modified taking into account environmental effects and market mechanisms. Scheme for the choice of means to reduce the risk proposed.

Author Biography

N. Polovyan, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджмента


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