The definition of non-standard forms of employment


  • O.O. Pastushenko Донецький національний університет


standard employment, work organization, precarious employment, social and labor relations


The increasing distribution in the innovation economy receive non-standard forms of employment that improve employee performance, reduce costs, firms in the organization of work. The main reasons contributing to the spread of precarious employment, the employer is striving to optimize the costs associated with the need to respect labor rights, taxes and perform other social obligations, in particular in the area of compulsory state social insurance. This article discusses the possibility of using various non-standard forms of employment in the organization of work of researchers and scientists. Precarious work is often not a voluntary choice of employees, as it is connected with the elimination of traditional jobs. In other cases, it is caused by the spread misunderstanding remote consequences of the transition from standard employment to its irregular forms. As a result, individuals who actually are employed are often left without the protection afforded by the standard employment. The concepts of nonstandard forms of employment, revealed their basic characteristics and features.

Author Biography

O.O. Pastushenko, Донецький національний університет

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