The ways of enterprises’ innovation activities intensification through the implementation of advanced technologies


  • Y. Myezyentseva Донецький національний університет


innovation, technologies’ transfer, linear model of technologies’ commercialization, strategic innovations, innovation activities


The relevance of the topic of enterprise’s effective functioning when using the innovation technologies is outlined in the article. It is noted that innovation management methods are different from the ones used in traditional enterprises, mostly because innovation processes are aimed at creation of the products that do not exist, productive forces and relations upgrade. In this context the use of specific infrastructure in the innovative enterprises is proposed. The way of technologies’ commercialization and effective implementation of innovations in the enterprises is defined. This process is illustrated by the linear model of technologies’ commercialization. This model describes the way of innovations from research to development and distribution. The implementation of the linear model of technologies’ commercialization will allow to conduct the researches according to the orders of the companies that are oriented on creation of new samples of technologies, on cooperation between universities or research institutions and innovative companies; to gather marketing meetings in order to discuss new products, new technologies and production process. In the article the level of innovations implementation in the enterprises of different forms of ownership, capacity, location, devoted to different branches of national economy. The fact that enterprises in machinery and metalworking demonstrate the highest level of innovation involvement is proved.

Author Biography

Y. Myezyentseva, Донецький національний університет

аспірантка кафедри міжнародної економіки


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