Methodological aspects of the scientific providing of innovative activity


  • N. Mashchyenko Донецький національний університет


innovative activity, innovative development, scientific potential, economy growing, innovative model of economy


The methodological aspects of the scientifically-informative providing of innovative activity are in-process reasonable in a national economy. Importance of drawing on scientific researches is certain in an innovative sphere which will have positive consequences are certain for a national economy on the whole. The obstacles of introduction of innovations are distinguished for the economy of Ukraine. Intercommunication of the scientific and innovative systems is investigational and the necessity of forming of principles of innovative model of development is certain for Ukraine. The role of the state is considered in forming of national innovative model. The state must become the catalyst of active innovative process, forming of effective innovative model for Ukraine must become her by a near-term task, and the levers of influence of innovative policy must assist the increase of national economy.

Author Biography

N. Mashchyenko, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри інформаційних систем управління


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