Role of technology parks and business ncubators in the development of innovation infrastructure
technology park, technopolis, business incubators, innovation infrastructureAbstract
The article discusses approaches to the definition of technology parks and business - incubators. The basic components of a modern infrastructure are revealed. It is analyzed the formation of new organizational structures in the world and in Ukraine. The role of technology parks and business - incubators for the development of innovation infrastructure are studied. The structural-logic scheme of the system of the formation of innovation infrastructure in Ukraine is proposed. It is concluded that the main part in the creation of an extensive innovation infrastructure must belong to a special organizational structures, such as industrial parks, techno-industrial parks and business incubators. These structures play a large role in the development of technologies in the leading countries of the world. Unfortunately, in Ukraine due to shortage, equity and due to the unstable investment policy, as well as - for the various obstacles of a fiscal nature, these structures do not have a significant weight in shaping the development of innovation infrastructure. To create an effective innovation infrastructure necessary to consider the experience of a number of foreign countries that already operate successfully investment zones as industrial parks and industrial districts, in particular, Turkey, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, as well as specific proposals that came from different regions of Ukraine, the establishment and functioning of these structures.References
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