Foreign experience of legal support of functioning of insurance markets
insurance markets, foreign experience of legal support, economic activityAbstract
It is established that the insurance business in most countries of the world is regarded as a separate branch of economic activity, which includes a variety of forms of ownership of the organization-insurers. It is proved that the modern stage of development of world economy and international relations, characterized by strengthening of integration processes leading to formation of common standards in the field of insurance. The functioning of the insurance systems in different countries of Europe is characterized by a constant interrelation and interaction. Integration of Ukraine into a modern European economic and legal space implies adaptation and harmonization of national legislation with the norms and standards of the legal system of the European Union, which requires the formation of a developed insurance market, promoting economic activity of all economic entities, the expansion of legal base, application of methods of state influence on the insurance market, corresponding to the European standards. The solution of these problems will speed up the process of qualitative growth of the national economy, the development of world economy and international relations.References
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