Market and monopolies in the legislation of economic competition protection
market, relevant market, goods market, monopolies, competitionAbstract
Economic and legal aspects of such definitions as “market” and “monopolies”, their place and role in the legislation on the economic competition protection have been examined in the article. Three groups of the market relationship have been defined: 1) marketable, 2) competitive, 3) monopolistic, which can be general (which are marketable relationship) and partial (competitive and monopolistic). The classification of the market relationship to abstract and concrete has been made. Regards concrete market relationship it is noted that they are always competitive as market a priori foresees competition. In case if the market is monopolistic, it doesn’t mean that competition doesn’t exist on such market as it has to be protected even in this case (to protect the rights of the potential market participants). It is note that to precisely show the nature of the competition, first of all we should talk about competition of the interests and not about competition of activities. This competition exists all the time, even on the monopolistic market, as there are always interests, even when power is limited.References
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