The value of monitoring the transfer of knowledge in shaping the innovation system.


  • G. Bakhchisaray Донецький національний університет


transfer of knowledge, model, national innovation system, rating, scorecard


In article analyzes the evaluation of knowledge transfer in the innovation system and to identify the main problems of its evaluation. Determined that the evaluation of knowledge transfer in the innovation system - a critical indicator of innovation planning at any level. There are quite a number of ways to assess knowledge transfer in the innovation system: the construction of econometric models, preparation of integral indexes or ratings, analysis of individual indicators together. It is important that these scorecards are not static, their set is constantly updated in response to changes in the world. Sources of statistical information are: the World Bank, WTO, UN, OECD, etc. Each of these methods has a number of advantages and disadvantages, but they are used as tools in the study of the national innovation system. Transfer of knowledge is influenced by many factors - important circumstances, the driving forces, the reasons for any process or phenomenon. The intensity of the influence of factors is different, and this influence can be both positive and negative.

Author Biography

G. Bakhchisaray, Донецький національний університет

асистент кафедри «Міжнародна економіка»


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