Modern Trends trudovh development resources of the region


  • A. Babenko Дніпропетровська державна фінансова академія
  • O. Vasiliev Запорізький національний технічний університет


human resources, labor potential, gender and agestructure, demographic loads, employable population


The article describes the difficult situation that has developed in Ukraine with labor, and measures to improve it. Evaluated the population dynamics of Zaporozhye region at the moment. The factors that influenced the formation of population growth in the region. Analyzed and identified the main trends of population movement. The basic directions of development of human resources of Zaporozhye region, analyzed their qualitative and quantitative components. Determined by the rate of change and the local population and urbanization factors activate these processes. The characteristic features of the modern age structure of the population of Zaporozhye region. Negative tendencies decrease in the rural population and describes the main causes of this process. At the regional level, analyzed the socio - economic implications of an aging population and the associated strain on the labor market Zaporozhye. Identified and proposed directions overcome negative tendencies workforce development area.

Author Biography

A. Babenko, Дніпропетровська державна фінансова академія

д.е.н., професор


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