The liberalization of trade and trade imbalances


  • M. Khapatnyukovskyiy Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет


trade imbalances, economic development, macroeconomic effect, liberalization, balance of payments, economic crisis


In the article the availability of long-term direct relationship between liberalization of the foreign trade regime and positive macroeconomic effects is substantiated. It was determined that under long global financial and economic crisis worsening results of participation of national economies in the international trade is connected with low capacity to redirect on the domestic market. The external (coagulation external demand, increased competition) and internal (disproportion in GDP and external sector) factors underlie in the basis of strengthening of trade imbalances. Priority directions of modern trade policy as impact instrument of regulation of the current balance and reduction of trade imbalances are revealed. The attention is focused on the features of the traditional method of regulation of trade imbalances, which is restricted by procedures agreed within the World Trade Organization. The principle of rejection of the quantitative restrictions on trade for WTO members is revealed. The conditions for granting rights of countries to implement quantitative restrictions as protection of current account of the balance of payments and elimination of rapidly rising trade imbalances are identified.

Author Biography

M. Khapatnyukovskyiy, Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет



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