Especially the formation of family business in Ukraine European system of coordinates


  • I. Solonenko Донецький національний університет


family business, family owned company, organization of European Family Business, Ukrainian family business


In the article the place of the family business in the economic activities of undertakings. Considered European, American, Asian models, their typology and structure. The features and management Approaches to the characteristics of the family. Formulated key differences between family and non-family businesses. The main criteria for the family business is the ownership and management. Author determined the advantages and disadvantages of family business. Zaktsentovano attention to its mission in the formation of European values and entrepreneurship training future generations. Illustrated significant contribution to family companies in the global economy. The role and impact of family businesses in socioeconomic development. S activity of European Family Business. The necessity of creating the legal framework and the use of foreign experience for the effective functioning of the family business in Ukraine.

Author Biography

I. Solonenko, Донецький національний університет

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