Development of regional labor markets in the information economy
information product, information work, transformation processes, labor market information networks, human resources, structural elements of labor market regulation, cooperative tiesAbstract
The article deals with key aspects of the transformation of modern regional labor markets. Determined that the staffing becomes an important resource of innovative processes that occur at the micro, meso and macro levels. It is proved that in an information economy become relevant issues of expansion of innovative processes and their impact on the labor market.Structural changes taking place in the labor market can be traced to the formation of new distribution networks, e-business mosaics economic cooperation. The characteristic features of the modern labor market are telecommunications networks and e-economic interaction. Dynamic movement and permanence of the basic properties of the labor market leads to a number of differences of opinion and implementation of management actions. In modern conditions arise unusual factors affecting the structure of the labor market, which leads to a change in the traditional standard approaches in the management of labor. The polarization of the market structure gives rise to a number of problems: lack of employment flexibility and freedom of forms of labor; low level of business support from the state and regional authorities; increased risks when making non-standard solutions and innovation; loss of professional interests in the new conditions of managing increasingly complex. Determined that theexistingsystemof national and regionalcontentmanagementinfrastructuredoes not provideoptimum interactionin the information society.Alternatively,a tool thatis able to providelabor market development, establishment of new formsof cooperation tieson the basisof separateassociationsof small andmedium-sized enterprisesin thesingleterritorialproduction complexin the formatcooperative-integration relations.References
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