Management of enterprise an investment attractiveness


  • M. Pivtorak Білоцерківський інститут економіки та управління


investment attractiveness, management of enterprise an investment attractiveness, methodology of integral estimation of investment attractiveness of enterprises and organizations, method of rating estimation, matrix methodology, financial state


In the work of scientifically entity has “investment attractiveness» and the method for its evaluation. Tracked main research work focused on the study of the problems of investment attractiveness of the company. In the work reviews the main theoretical and methodological aspects that affect software investment attractiveness, analyzes the investment attractiveness of «Basis» via an integrated assessment of investment attractiveness, financial performance and ranking factors and matrix models. Among all known methods of evaluation, development of integrated indicators to determine the investment attractiveness of a primary idea to implement in practice. Integrated assessment of investment attractiveness indicator, which reproduced the value of other parameters adjusted according to their weight and other factors. Integral assessment allows to combine in one indicator of many different title, units of measurement, significance and other characteristics factors. To determine the investment attractiveness of the investigated company uses investment attractiveness matrix that is formed depending on the value of integrated performance assessment of the financial and property companies. The basic directions of improvement of investment attractiveness through improvement of financial stability, liquidity and profitability

Author Biography

M. Pivtorak, Білоцерківський інститут економіки та управління

к.е.н., доцент кафедри фінансів


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