Conception of intelligent automated decision-making system's modeling and its using in management of economy entities


  • O. Mints ГВУЗ Приазовский государственный технический университет


decision making, intelligent systems, artificial intelligence, decision support systems, neural networks, data mining


The purpose of article is developing the conception of intelligent automated decision-making system's modeling and its using in management of economy entities. The theoretical basis of the work are the methods of system analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, the provisions of the methodology of scientific research. The proposed concept is focused on the use of artificial intelligence methods, statistical methods, methods of forecasting. The result of this research is the author's approach to the building of the conception of intelligent automated decision-making systems. The conception is based on using of AI methods. This allows us to transform the general task of decision-making to a set of simpler tasks which can be accomplished with the use of modern methods of data analysis and processing. Provides adaptability of system and it's ability to self-learning. The proposed conception can be used to developing the automated intelligent systems for decision-making in most areas of human activity, which are not require too creative solutions

Author Biography

O. Mints, ГВУЗ Приазовский государственный технический университет

к.э.н., доцент кафедры финансов и банковского дела.


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