The mechanism of management of engineering enterprise’s innovation system in corporate structure.


  • K. Kopishynska Національний технічний університет України «КПІ»


management of innovation system, open innovation, management mechanism


This article explores the theoretical foundations of of management of enterprise innovation system in corporate structure. There was grounded the expediency of using the principles of the concept of open innovation in the management of the innovation system. Conceptual basis of management of enterprise innovation system includes the principles, functions and management methods. There were proposed the basic principles of managing such a system, among which we can highlight the following: the principle of openness, self-organization, self-regulation and adaptation, effectiveness and coherence. The main functions of management of innovation system are planning, organization, activation and control. The methods of management include economic, administrative and social and psychological. Also, there was proposed the mechanism of management of engineering enterprise’s innovation system in corporate structure, key elements of which are organizational measures and economic levers.

Author Biography

K. Kopishynska, Національний технічний університет України «КПІ»

аспірант кафедри менеджменту


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