Tereshchenko S. Agricultural logistics in Ukraine: modern condition and perspective of development


  • S. Grytsenko Донецький національний університет
  • S. Tereshchenko Донецький національний університет


agrologistics, food security, problems of development


The author analyzes in detail modern condition of agricultural logistical system of Ukraine, draws attention to main negative trends, that are present today in the agricultural sector and lists basic aspects of Ukrainian agribusiness sector. Define the main criteria, that holding back the development of agriculture in the country and highlight the potential ways and means of improving the efficiency of domestic agrologistics. The article presents methods of improving logistics approach and recommendations for the development of river, rail and road transport as a factor of increasing agrologistics service. It was noted that a significant barrier to the development of agrologists is the lack of primary procurement centers and inadequate supply structures and storage, resulting in a considerable rise in prices of agricultural products. The paper presents the main methods of reducing the cost of logistics component of the agricultural sector. The emphasis on the need for collaboration between the private sector and state - attraction of investments and loans to farmers will help to achieve European standards in the Ukrainian agro-industrial production.

Author Biographies

S. Grytsenko, Донецький національний університет

д.е.н., професор кафедри маркетингу

S. Tereshchenko, Донецький національний університет



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