Conceptual model of the system of management of marketing research of the local market of bread and bakery products.
market research, local market, competitive advantages, efficiency of managerial decisions, organizational and informational support.Abstract
In the article considered the need to improve the system of management of marketing researches on the local market of bread and bakery products. Determined that the specifics of functioning of the market of bread and bakery products necessitate modification of organizational and economic management system elements in marketing researches in accordance with the specifics of the functioning of the local market. Proposed a conceptual model of the system of management of marketing research of the local market of bread and bakery products, which contributes to the creation of competitive advantages and ensures the effectiveness of management decisions in the formation of strong regional brand. It is substantiated that all elements of the system of marketing research of the local market of bread and bakery products have the features that you need to consider the researcher. However, the functioning of this system is impossible without organizational and informational provision, which must perform a catalytic function in the process of marketing research, and which is the direction of scientific research in future research.References
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