Arrangements of the State Security of the USSR on the eve of and during Great Patriotic war


  • Y. Badakhov Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України


national security, the Great Patriotic war, organizational measures, the people's Commissariat of state security, the people's Commissariat of internal Affairs, the organizational structure, staffing, troops of the NKVD, organizational realignment


The article considers the organizational activities of the organs of state security of the USSR on the eve of and during the great Patriotic war. It is noticed, that the process of organizational and structural changes in the system of organs of state security of USSR took place in difficult conditions, due to the emergency situation in the country, and with intense foreign policy. Especially stressed the role of the state security of Ukraine, in particular, given its cross-border location. It is proved that the people's Commissariat of internal Affairs perform specific functions related to law enforcement and state security, and also carrying out measures to prevent the Commission of crimes. Noted that during the 1939–1945 biennium by the Soviet authorities undertook a number of measures aimed at the restructuring of state security bodies in connection with the military situation in the country. Noted that the education of the people's Commissariat of state security of the USSR in a certain way connected with the beginning of the formation of the Union state authority of the security by its separation from the people's Commissariat of internal Affairs of the USSR in connection with the resolution of the Politburo of the CPSU (b) and the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR dated 3 February 1941 Thus, education of the people's Commissariat of state security was motivated by the need to dismissal of state security agencies from non-core functions of public security and the exercise of certain types of economic activities that should contribute to the improvement of the intelligence and counter-intelligence work. Dividing people's Commissariat of internal Affairs of the USSR on two independent commissariats – people's Commissariat for internal Affairs and people's Commissariat of state security was also aims at eliminating the Hyper-centralization of law enforcement (punitive) system of the USSR, simplifying cumbersome apparatus of the people's Commissariat of internal Affairs of the USSR, competition between different retaliatory bodies to inform the senior party leadership and personally. Stalin. Thus, there was a process of formation of the people's Commissariat of state security of the USSR as Union-Republican body of state security

Author Biography

Y. Badakhov, Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України

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