Essence and peculiarities of the system of commercial insurance


  • O. Shakura Донецкий національний університет


insurance, insurance relations, functions of insurance, the insurance fund, commercial insurance, the system of commercial insurance


establish the essence of the system of commercial insurance as a category . The analysis of the development of ideas about the nature of insurance has been carried out on the basis of the comparative method. The method of synthesis of economic data allowed to determine the elements wich make up the economic content of insurance and to substantiate commercial insurance as one of the types of business that has a number of features. The definition of the system of commercial insurance as a state-regulated form of centralization and concentration of capital, which is formed by contributions from insurers for property interests of citizens and legal persons, upon the occurrence of insured events that involves the creation of a commercial insurance company has been presented for the first time in the article and is the scientific novelty of the study. The theoretical and practical significance of the paper consists in the study findings and conclusions which will provide to refine our understanding of the commercial side of insurance and tend to argumentatively approach to forming the mechanisms of management to develop the system of commercial insurance that will provide long-term national economy and stable economic growth.

Author Biography

O. Shakura, Донецкий національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри фінансів і банківської справи


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