Features and Main Directions of the Economic Cooperation in the Black Sea Region.
Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, regional integration, marine shipment, "Black Sea Ring" projectAbstract
The Black Sea Economic Cooperation is designed to ensure the stability and prosperity in the Black Sea region through multilateral economic cooperation among its member states. Sea transport is a base for further successful socio-economic development in the Black Sea region, as it is obvious its vital role in economic growth and competitiveness in a globalized world. The development of maritime infrastructure in the BSEC region is an aspect that attracted particular attention from international players, both because of the potential of the region in strengthening maritime transport between the Caspian, Black, Aegean and Mediterranean seas due to its strategic location, as well as for the emerging role of the region in the system of world trade.References
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Ситуация в области междунардных автомобилных перевозок в регионе ОЧЭС и реализация проекта многосторонних разрешений BSECPERMIS, Ялта, BSEC-URTA, сентябрь 2013.