The economic security of industrial enterprises: components and directions
economic security, social and economic instability, industrial enterprise efficiencyAbstract
The article discusses approaches to the definition of the term "economic security". The main elements of the strategy and the economic security of industrial enterprises. Shows the factors that negatively affect the economic security of the state , and in particular the industrial enterprise. Indicate in which direction interrelated effective security business of industrial enterprise . Determined that the normal functioning of enterprises in modern conditions requires more skill to operate. Need to maintain the necessary level of economic security than to make longer , expensive and not always promising trials , trying to protect their rights. Given the instability and contradictions of reform processes , one of the most important tasks of science and practice, is the development and implementation of enterprise security . Ukrainian enterprise (organization) to adapt to the political and socio - economic instability and to seek appropriate solutions to complex problems ekonomіcheskoy security.References
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