Vocational education as a way of providing the quality of professional education
pre-vocational and vocational education, competency, competitiveness, quality of education, labor marketAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of international experience in organizing vocational education. The differences in educational systems, expectancy learning in secondary schools and average length of education in secondary schools around the world are explored in the work. Enrolment in technical and vocational education in the world is constantly growing that explained by the desire all nations to raising the educational level of population and prolongation of compulsory and vocational education. The majority of secondary schools in the world differ in the approaches to organizing of academic and vocational education. Differences depend on specifics of organization general education system, territorial location and national traditions etc. However the common feature of all countries is that academic training prepares students for college or university and vocational — for the labor market. The article reveals highlights the main characteristics of organization technical and vocational education in the developed countries of the world. The main ways of improving the national system of technical and vocational education are also determined in the article.References
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