The strategy of state support for the formation of the middle class


  • O.L. Andronik


middle class stratification of society, government support, strategy, mechanіsm


In Ukraine, the formation of the middle class, corresponding to the property status and the level of personal income criteria developed countries at an early stage . This is due primarily to the low standard of living . In addition, a large number of people who are approaching the status of the middle class, derive a significant portion of the proceeds without registration and without paying taxes. This causes a certain inconsistency of their relationship with the state, and hence the difficulties in the way of implementation of its social function - to be the basis of socio - political stability. The article analyzes the conditions of formation of the middle class in Ukraine. Identify important aspects of effective public support of the middle class . The basic directions of the implementation of these strategies , which involve the formation of adequate mechanisms for social development. The result of the activities of the proposed strategy of the state support of the middle class is to preserve the social foundation of the middle class , the implementation of its transformation in accordance with the formation of the middle class in modern democratic state. 


Державний комітет статистики [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу

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