Developments features of mass-media law are in the conditions of informative society


  • K. Shurupova ДВНЗ «Криворізький національний університет»


mass-media, mass-media right, informative right access to information, administrative responsibility of public servants of public organs for an ungrant or ill-timed grant to information


In research an author exposes a concept, essence and maintenance of mass-media of right and determines principles of administrative responsibility of public servants for an ungrant or ill-timed grant to information to the representatives of mass-media. Stage-by-stage formulated an author aspects of origin and development of mass-media, structure of mass-media, methodology of theory of modern informative right turns out. The special attention is spared by an author to the questions of access to information to the representatives of mass-media, by violation in the field of it and administrative responsibility of public servants of public organs from the side of public organs for an ungrant or ill-timed grant to information.

Author Biography

K. Shurupova, ДВНЗ «Криворізький національний університет»

к.ю.н., доцент кафедри філософії і соціальних наук


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