Features leveraged by enterprises of Ukraine in the period of financial instability


  • A. Hniedkov Донбаський державний технічний університет


financial strategy, borrowed capital, credit, investment analysis, bonds, leasing, funds of founders, financial risk


The forms, methods, instruments and factors of formation of the loan capital enterprises are examined, the main methods of forming loan capital and their disadvantages are analyzed, alternative forms of attraction and credit are offered in the article. Author has proposed the comparative analysis of bank credit and leasing as more profitable for the company. Investment analysis is divided into three sequential blocks. There are identification of investment needs of the project, selection and search for sources of financing and determine the cost of capital raised; financial return forecast from the investment project in the form of specific benefits. The problems of selection and search of financing sources and the value determination of debt capital are estimated. It was determined that at the accounting records the lessor is included in the provided finance leases facility in the amount of the minimum lease payments and non-guaranteed liquidation value of the net financial income to be received, with the income determination from the sale of fixed assets.

Author Biography

A. Hniedkov, Донбаський державний технічний університет

к.е.н., декан факультету економіки і фінансів


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