Contract procurement and management as a model public-private partnership
public-private partnership (PPP) model, contract procurement and management.Abstract
The article analyzes the key components and essential characteristics of such a model public-private partnership, the contract procurement and management. The article examines the nature and structure of supply contracts and control their features. Based on case studies of PPP projects described different versions of the model. The author notes the advantages and disadvantages of contract procurement and management of the scope. The focus of the article focuses on the fact that this model of public-private partnership in the first place wherein the partner - the government provides resources and private partner - their experience and qualifications in the field of management. Particularly noted that the choice of PPP models depends on many characteristics of the future design of public-private partnerships and the goals set by the partners, noting also that even with complete information on the project, a decision on the choice of a particular model is a complex process.
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